The Diamond Blackfan Anemia Foundation, Inc. (DBAF),
founded in 1994, has adopted the following mission statement: “to collectively and actively generate funds for the charitable and scientific purpose of furthering, by clinical study, laboratory research, publication and teaching, the knowledge of the disorder known as Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA). Our intentions are to share this knowledge, to inform, to lend support, and to communicate with all families of DBA patients.” The DBAF supports itself solely through donations and our families’ fundraisers. The DBAF funds medical research projects which directly or indirectly benefit DBA patients and which are approved by the DBAF’s medical/scientific advisory board comprised of medical doctors and scientists. The DBAF organizes meetings which bring together DBA patients, families, and world-renowned physicians. The DBAF provides informational literature to patients, DBA family members, health care professionals and other interested parties. The DBAF networks DBA families throughout the United States, Canada, and worldwide. The DBAF publishes a semi-annual newsletter containing personal DBA stories, DBA clinical trial information, current research, and DBA activities.
The Daniella Maria Arturi Foundation (DMAF)
was founded by Marie and Manny Arturi in early 1996 shortly after the loss of their daughter, Daniella, who was afflicted with a rare bone marrow failure disorder called Diamond Blackfan Anemia. The mission of the DMAF is to stimulate and support advanced clinical and laboratory research and clinical care initiatives in Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA), while increasing DBA awareness among the scientific, medical, lay and government communities. Click here to learn more about their foundation.
Etiologic Investigation of Cancer Susceptibility in Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (IBMFS)
This is a National Cancer Institute study of the epidemiology and natural history of the Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes, including Diamond Blackfan Anemia, in patients and their families. It focuses on potential complications such as leukemia or solid tumors, using questionnaires, thorough physical exams, laboratory studies (including mutation testing), and age-appropriate cancer screening.
Camp Sunshine Presentations
Date: July 7-12 2019
Dr. Laurie Burroughs: Bone Marrow Transplantation for Diamond Blackfan Anemia
Dr. Lawrence Wolfe: Iron: Can’t live without enough of it, Can’t live with too much of it
Shannon Lozinsky, MS, CGC: DBA Genetics 101
Dr. Michelle Nash: Clonal Hematopoiesis in Patients with Diamond Blackfan Anemia
Dr. Steve Ellis: Direction of DBA Research
Dr. Jason Farrar: Diamond Blackfan Anemia: Treatment & Remission
Adult DBA Day Presentations
Date: September 27-29 2019​
Dr. Adrianna Vlachos: Overview of DBA & DBAR
Dr. Adrianna Vlachos: Clinical Trials in DBA
Dr. Jeffrey Lipton: Cancer in DBA​
Dr. Michelle Nash: Clonal Hematopoiesis in Patients with Diamond Blackfan Anemia
Dr. Christine Mullin: Planning for the Future: Fertility Options
Shannon Lozinsky, MS, CGC: DBA Genetics 101
Dr. Adrianna Vlachos: “How I Treat DBA"
Dr. Johnson Liu: Caring for the Adult Patient
Dr. Lawrence Wolfe: Iron: Can’t live without enough of it, Can’t live with too much of it
Dr. Jason Farrar: Understanding The Genetics of Diamond Blackfan Anemia